Effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti …
DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.12.058 Corpus ID: 212899018; Effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti mechanism in fine coal flotation used MIBC as the frother @article{Xu2020EffectOD, title={Effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti mechanism in fine coal flotation used MIBC as the frother}, author={Mengdi …
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Effect of frothers and dodecylamine on bubble size and gas holdup …
The effect of the cationic surfactant dodecyl amine (MW 185, HLB 10.7) and the frothers MIBC (MW 102, HLB 6.05) and polyglycol F507 (MW 425, HLB 8.63) on the bubble size and gas holdup were investigated. In addition, the effect of blends of MIBC-dodecyl amine (DDA) and F507-DDA on these parameters was assessed.
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Determination of the concentration of MIBC in coking coal flotation
Abstract. This paper presents a novel method to measure the concentration of methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC), a widely used frother in coking coal flotation. It is based on the specific interaction between MIBC molecules and a formulated liquid mainly comprising cyclodextrin and pyrene. The method involves mixing the formulated liquid …
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The Effect of Flotation Reagents Addition (MIBC and PAX) …
The Effect of Flotation Reagents Addition (MIBC and PAX) on the Relative Permittivity Value Using 2-Electrode Capacitance Sensor @article{Haryono2017TheEO, title={The Effect of Flotation Reagents Addition (MIBC and PAX) on the Relative Permittivity Value Using 2-Electrode Capacitance Sensor}, author={Didied Haryono and Harisma Nugraha …
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Comparing the effect of salts and frother (MIBC) on gas
On the other hand, the use of raw seawater can adversely affect the flotation of sulfides such as molybdenite (MoS 2 ) and increase lime consumption due to the buffering effect of seawater at high ...
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Critical importance of pH and collector type on the flotation …
Collector type and pulp pH play an important role in the lead–zinc ore flotation process. In the current study, the effect of pulp pH and the collector type parameters on the galena and ...
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Comparing the effect of salts and frother (MIBC) on gas …
The effect increased with ion valence and a correlation between gas holdup and ionic strength was demonstrated. Gas holdup for salt solutions with ionic strength ca. 0.4, as at the Raglan concentrator, is similar to that of ca. 10 ppm MIBC, which is a typical dosage for this common frother
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Frothers in flotation: A review of performance and function …
1. Introduction. The flotation process is a separation technique primarily used in mineral processing for the recovery of minerals (Wills and Finch, 2016), that also finds application in other industrial processes such as wastewater treatment and paper recycling (Saththasivam et al., 2016, Vashisth et al., 2011).Separation of mineral particles by …
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Examination of NaCl and MIBC as bubble coalescence …
It can readily be seen that MIBC, a surface active agent, is much more efficient at stabilising bubbles with concentrations a few orders of magnitude lower than found in NaCl solutions. In the concentration range used in flotation (10 −4 M, 10 ppm), MIBC offered limited resistance to coalescence with bubble pairs. Conclusions
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The effect of reagent type on generating bulk sub
Flotation of coarse-sized quartz was examined with and without NBs. • DDA, A65, MIBC and PO were employed to generate NBs by hydrodynamic cavitation. • Stability and d 32 of the NBs followed as DDA > PO > MIBC>A65 and A65 < MIBC

Effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti mechanism …
Nevertheless, this possible consumption of MIBC does not show to have an overall negative impact on the flotation of graphite as the cooperative effect of hydrophobization of particles and froth ...
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Effect of electrolyte and flotation collector on films in …
It is clear that the film generated in the MIBC/PAX/0.1 M NaCl solution ruptures more readily compared to the MIBC/PAX system, indicating the antagonistic effect of the MIBC, PAX and NaCl. When NaCl concentration in the ternary solution increases to 2 M, the rupture thickness is rather anomalous with respect to the MIBC concentration, as …
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The Effect of Flotation Reagents Addition (MIBC and PAX) …
In general, frother and collector are used as reagents to obtain an optimum condition in flotation processes. In this study, the effect of methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) frother and potassium ...
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The study on the effect of flotation purification on the
When the dosage of MIBC was 300 g/t, the PG concentrate index reached the best, and the PG flotation index was decreased gradually when the dosage of MIBC continued to increase, Mainly due to the ...
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(PDF) Flotation of Carbonaceous Matter from a Double …
In this study, the effect of MIBC on C-matter flotation was investigated to understand the role of the frother in bubble and froth formation and on flotation kinetics. MIBC dosages between 30 and ...
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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Flotation of Carbonaceous Matter from …
The use of alkaline pressure oxidation to pretreat refractory gold ore often results in insufficient gold recovery (<60%) in downstream thiosulfate leaching. To improve gold recovery, flotation was considered for the separation of carbonaceous matter (C-matter). In this study, the effect of MIBC on C-matter flotation was investigated to …
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Comparing the Performance of the Use of Recycled …
Flotation is the traditional process used for concentrating sulfide ores, based on the differences in hydrophobicity exhibited by the minerals which are enhanced by collectors. Xanthates are the collectors widely used in the flotation of minerals such as common sulfides (Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni) and native metals. However, xanthates have …
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Flotation of Carbonaceous Matter from a Double Refractory …
In this study, the effect of MIBC on C-matter flotation was investigated to understand the role of the frother in bubble and froth formation and on flotation kinetics. MIBC dosages between 30 and 150 g/t were used in combination with 500 g/t of kerosene as a collector. The results showed that the recovery and selectivity of C-matter were ...
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Celanese Whitepaper | Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol (MIBC) For …
MIBC absorbs at the water-air interface, aids in the production of bubbles, and stabilizes the flotation froths. Two major types of frothers in commercial use today are short chain aliphatic alcohols and polyglycols. MIBC is the most commonly used alcohol frother due to its many advantages: Fast kinetics. Forms dry but easy-to-break froths.
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Effect of solids on pulp and froth properties in flotation
Froth flotation is a widely used process of particle separation exploiting differences in surface properties. It is important to point out that overall flotation performance (grade and recovery ...
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The Effect of Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol "MIBC" on the
In this study, flotation tests in seawater were conducted to examine the effect of frother's dosage (MIBC) on the froth stability and flotation performance of low-grade phosphate ore.
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"The Effect Of Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol "MIBC" On The …
As freshwater resources are becoming scarce, the use of seawater as replacement of fresh water is appealing in order to make mineral processing operations more sustainable. Since froth stability plays a critical role in determining the performance of flotation operations, there is an urgent need to study the effect of frother dosage and seawater on froth …
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Flotation Frothers
Flotation Frothers – Frothing Agents. The next reagent that is added is the Flotation FROTHER. The frother strengthens the surface tension of the air that is injected into the flotation cell. As the air rises in the shape of bubbles, they come into contact with the mineral laden collector which attaches itself to the air.
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Study on the Strengthening Mechanism of a MIBC–PEG …
Currently, the nonionic mixed surfactant is widely employed as the frother for fine coal flotation. In this study, we focused on examining the properties of a mixed …
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Effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti mechanism …
In this study, effect of diesel on the froth stability and its anti mechanism in fine coal flotation used MIBC as the frother was investigated. Three-phase and two-phase froth stability tests were first carried out and the negative effect of diesel on froth stability was further explained by the single film drainage and spreading ...
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The Effect of Flotation Reagents Addition (MIBC and PAX) …
In general, frother and collector are used as reagents to obtain an optimum condition in flotation processes. In this study, the effect of methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) frother and potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) collector on the relative permittivity value using 2-electrode capacitance sensor was conducted.
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Determination of the concentration of MIBC in coking coal flotation …
A new analytical approach was developed to measure the MIBC concentration in the flotation and the water circuit through the coking coal processing plant. It is based on the specific interaction of the apolar group of MIBC with a formulated liquid comprising β –CD and pyrene. The method involves mixing the formulated liquid with the sample ...
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Determination of optimal flotation conditions of low …
concentrate, the proper dosage of MIBC was 175 g/ton. Figure 7. Effect of MIBC dosage (diesel oil 600 g/t, solid ratio 10%, pH= 8, Na2SiO3 1000 g/t). 4.1.5 Effect of collector type and dosage To determine the effect of collector type and dosage on graphite flotation, diesel oil, kerosene and n-dodecane were tested. The results are shown in Fig. 8.
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Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on carbonaceous copper …
MIBC is a non-ionic surface-active substance that preferentially adsorbs at the liquid–gas interface and has an impact on the bubble size and its velocity. Therefore, MIBC affected the particle-bubble collision by increasing the sliding time between the bubble and the particle in a micro-flotation cell.
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Flotation characteristics of molybdenite and talc are controlled by surface properties of their cleavage planes. Because the inherent hydrophobicity is common to the cleavage planes of both of these minerals, their separation by flotation is relatively more difficult compared to other mineral separation systems. Wettabilities of molybdenite and …
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