Thermal process and mechanism of phase transition and detoxification of
Based on the chemical and mineral composition of asbestos tailings, the asbestos tailings powder was pre-fired, formed into green body and finally heat-treated to prepare glass-ceramics through the processes of crystallization and sintering. ... Decoration of serpentine with iron ore as an efficient low-cost magnetic adsorbent for Cr (VI ...
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Hydration kinetics of cement–iron tailing powder
Iron tailings powder can refine the pores in the composite binder hardened paste. Abstract. Cement–iron tailing powder composite cementitious materials (CT-C-CMs) is the research object of this study. Accordingly, hydration heat tests were implemented to analyze the hydration heat release law. To investigate the hydration kinetic course, the ...
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Sustainable assessment and synergism of ceramic powder …
Solid waste management is a critical issue worldwide. Effectively utilizing these solid waste resources presents a viable solution. This study focuses on Iron ore tailings (IOTs), a solid waste generated during iron ore processing, which can be used as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) but have low reactivity, hindering their …
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Influence of Dolomite Rock Powder and Iron Tailings Powder …
The curing ages, the fly ash, the GGBS and 5% dolomite rock powder or 5% iron tailings powder demonstrated a positive effect on the chloride ion impermeability.
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Recycling | Free Full-Text | Asbestos Waste …
We investigated the potential of tailings generated from chrysotile asbestos fiber production as a source of iron, nonferrous metals, and gold. We proposed the use of granulometric …
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Optimization Studies of Iron Ore Tailings Powder and …
In the last category, iron ore tailing powder and zeolite were combined at 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% as replacements for both fine aggregate and cement, respectively, represented as IPZ (correspondent ...
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Effects of siliceous iron tailings powder on performances of …
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135764 Corpus ID: 268365593; Effects of siliceous iron tailings powder on performances of interface transition zone in concrete @article{Cheng2024EffectsOS, title={Effects of siliceous iron tailings powder on performances of interface transition zone in concrete}, author={Yun-hong Cheng and …
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Recycling of asbestos tailings used as reinforcing fillers in
1. Introduction. Asbestos tailings are hazardous solid wastes from the residue of asbestos mine, containing short asbestos fibers (length of the fiber <1.18 mm) and ore fragments, whose major mineral is serpentine.About 25–27 t asbestos tailings are produced with 1 t asbestos mined out.These residues piled up around the asbestos …
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Feasibility Study of Developing Green ECC …
Abstract: This paper reports the results of an initial attempt of using iron ore tailings (IOTs) to develop greener engineered cementitious. composites (ECCs). ECC is a unique class of high ...
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Damage constitutive model of fly ash–cementitious iron …
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cement and fly ash compound admixtures on the mechanical properties of iron tailings powder (ITP). Hence, different …
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Influence of Dolomite Rock Powder and Iron …
Dolomite rock powder (the waste stone residue in the production of machine-made sand and stone processing) and iron tailings powder formed by mineral processing industry are solid wastes, which occupy …
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Present Situation of Comprehensive Utilization of Tailings …
The paper introduces status of tailings resource briefly, and discusses the necessities of comprehensive utilization of tailings in the current economic development situation and …
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Experimental investigations on the mechanical behavior of iron tailings …
It takes a long time for iron tailings powder to exert pozzolanic activity. The activated ITP undergoes a secondary reaction to form a hydration product. The environmental impact and cost of pure ...
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Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete incorporating iron …
Optimal iron tailings powder and iron tailings sand contents in UHPC mixtures were obtained. Abstract. Iron tailings (IT) is a kind of solid waste, which is usually divided into iron tailings powder (ITP) and iron tailings sand (ITS). It has been reported that IT has potentials to be used in ultra high performance concrete (UHPC). However, …
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Test research on hydration process of cement-iron tailings powder
1. Introduction. Iron tailings are a type of solid waste produced during the separation of valuable metals from iron ores [1].Iron tailings are the primary mine solid waste in China, with reserves of nearly 5 × 10 3 million tons and a steady annual growth rate of over 30 million tons [2].Generally, iron tailings are deposited in tailing dams, …
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(PDF) Effect of Iron Tailings and Slag Powders on
to the working performance of concrete and can effectively reduce the time-loss of. concrete fluidity. When the content of iron tailings powder in the composite admixture. is 50%, the 1080d long ...
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Experimental investigations on the mechanical behavior of iron tailings …
The microstructures and element contents of iron tailings powder, cement, and nano-clay are determined by SEM and EDS according to the testing methods in [22]. Fig. 2 a is the SEM spectrum of iron tailings powder, showing the random and disorder configuration of iron tailing particles and many pores with different radii (>1 μm) …
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Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite, anthophyllite, and actinolite-tremolite. Asbestos …
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Enhancement effect and mechanism of iron tailings powder …
Iron tailings are collected from the mine, dried, dehydrated and ground into fine iron tailings powder (ITP). See Table 3 for specific performance indexes. The main chemical composition of iron tailings powder by XRF is SiO 2, including some metal elements such as iron, copper and zinc.See Table 4 for the main chemical composition.. …
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What is Carbon Mineralization? | World Resources Institute
Key Carbon Mineralization Definitions. Alkalinity: Alkalinity refers to the ability of water to resist acidification.Alkaline minerals include calcium, magnesium and others. Alkaline Feedstocks: Raw materials such as alkaline rocks, industrial by-products or mine tailings that have been crushed or turned into powder and are used to mineralize CO2. ...
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Feasibility Study of Developing Green ECC Using Iron Ore Tailings …
This paper reports the results of an initial attempt of using iron ore tailings (IOTs) to develop greener engineered cementitious composites (ECCs). ECC is a unique class of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites featuring high tensile ductility and durability.
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Novel Preparation of ed Glass-ceramics from Asbestos …
ed glass-ceramics without using ing agents are fabricated by powder sintering, using asbestos tailings and waste glass as raw materials. Waste glass content and …
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Damage constitutive model of fly ash–cementitious iron tailings powder
With the vigorous development of industrial economy, the production capacity and level have been significantly improved, but at the same time, a large amount of iron tailings, fly ash and a series of bulk solid waste materials have been accumulated. These industrial wastes have caused serious impact on the ecological environment. How to …
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Synthesis of magnetite powder from iron ore tailings
Abstract. Iron ore tailing—a waste material of mineral beneficiation plants, is used as a source of iron for synthesizing magnetite powder. Iron ore tailings containing 15.98% Fe2O3, 83.36% SiO2 ...
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Cementitious activity optimization studies of iron tailings powder …
The cementitious activity of iron tailings powder (ITP) as a concrete admixture is investigated and optimized in this study. When the specific surface area (SSA) of ITP is in the range of 450 ...
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Effect of Iron Ore Tailing and Glass Powder on …
The concrete with 10% glass powder & 30% iron ore tailings showed a higher strength compared to the conventional mix for 28 days. Concrete mix containing 10% GP and 30% IOT showed …
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Preparation of porous glass-ceramics from coal fly ash and asbestos …
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.03.008 Corpus ID: 214750933; Preparation of porous glass-ceramics from coal fly ash and asbestos tailings by high-temperature pore-forming. @article{Zeng2020PreparationOP, title={Preparation of porous glass-ceramics from coal fly ash and asbestos tailings by high-temperature pore-forming.}, author={Li Zeng and …
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Development of Cementing Material of Fine Full-Tailings
The cementing material of fine full-tailings is developed with the fine tailings of Anshan Iron and Steel Company as aggregates, the water quenching slag of blast furnace as the main active material, and the desulphurized ash residue as one of the main activator materials. This paper explores the effects of composite activator with different ...
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Influence of iron tailing powder on properties of concrete …
The proportion of ITP is still about 70% of the total amount of iron tailings [3]. It is urgent to find method to achieve zero discharge. The main chemical compositions of iron tailings are SiO 2, Al 2 O 3, Fe 2 O 3, CaO and MgO [[4], [5], [6]]. The main mineral compositions of iron tailings are quartz. Iron tailings can be used in concrete ...
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Present Situation of Comprehensive Utilization of Tailings …
TANG Z, GAO P, LI Y, et al. Recovery of iron from hazardous tailings using fluidized roasting coupling technology[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 361:591-599. Google Scholar [20] SUN Y, ZHANG X, HAN Y, et al. A new approach for recovering iron from iron ore tailings using suspension magnetization roasting:A pilot-scale study[J]. Powder …
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