" Study of Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement …
The strength characteristics of copper slag incorporated concrete was found out by replacement of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100 %, out of this 40% replacement gives highest compression strength at 28 ...
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Utilization of Copper Slag as a Partial Replacement of Fine …
Sustainability and resource efficiency are becoming increasing important issues within today's construction industry. This study reports the potential use of granulated copper slag from Sterlite Industries as a replacement for sand in concrete mixes. The effect of replacing fine aggregate by copper slag on the compressive strength and split tensile …
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An experimental investigation on copper slag as …
The strength characteristics of copper slag incorporated concrete was found out by replacement of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100 %, out of this 40% replacement gives highest compression strength at …
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A critical review on the use of copper slag (CS) as a …
For example, 40% and sand replacement with copper slag result in a reduction of 8% and 40% in embodied energy, 12% and 30% in global warming potential, 8% and 41% in acidification, and 7% and ...
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Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete
The physical properties of copper slag are given in Table 2.As seen, the density of copper slag varies between 3.16 and 3.87 g/cm 3 based on the amount of iron content. The average specific gravity of copper slag is about 3.5 g/cm 3 that means copper slag is denser than ordinary natural aggregates. In general, water absorption of …
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Mechanical Strength and Microstructure
Mechanical Strength and Microstructure Properties of Concrete Incorporating Copper Slag as Fine Aggregate: A State-of-the-Art Review. Tareg Abdalla Abdalla, ... India: 35,127,603,231: Others: 59,972,914,725: Total: ... Notably, the concrete retains its ease of handling even with a complete replacement of sand with CS, ...
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The use of ferro-silicate slag from ISF zinc production as a sand …
85 Typical annual imperial smelting furnace slag generation in India is about 50,000 tonnes. 86 The zinc slag ... the optimum percentage of copper slag as a partial replacement of sand in concrete ...
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IJERT-A Review on Partial Substitution of Copper Slag with Sand …
This project reports on an experimental program to investigate the effect of Using copper slag as a replacement of sand on the properties of concrete .Six concrete mixtures were prepared with different proportions of copper slag of Weight basis (0 percent (for the control mix), 15,25 and 30 percentage. ... M.P. India Department of Civil ...
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(PDF) Properties of pavement quality concrete and dry …
The work reported in this paper is based on a laboratory study carried out to investigate the feasibility of using copper slag, a by-product of copper refineries, as a partial replacement of sand ...
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Copper Slag, A Solution and an Alternative to River Sand …
For this research M20 and M40 grade of concrete were used. And the replacement of natural sand by copper slag was 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. Maximum compressive strength was found at 40% replacement ...
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Constructive Scope on Implementation of Copper Slag as Replacement …
In India, we can get copper slag in huge amount at Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu. ... Al-Oraimi SK, Al-Saidy(2009) Copper slag as sand replacement for high performance concrete. Cement Concr Compos 31(7):483–488. Article Google Scholar Shi C, Meyer C, Behnood A (2008) Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete. …
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per slag as a replacement of fine aggregate on the strength properties. M25 grade concrete was used and tests were conducted for various prop. rtions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0% to in concrete. The test results indicate that compressive strength of concret.
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A review on partial substitution of copper slag with …
LITERATURE REVIEW. G. Esakki Muthu et. al. [2016] investigated the micro formation of cement mixture with green sand and copper slag like a substitute of fine aggregate. The replacement of green sand and copper slag will be regularly from 10%, 20%, and 30% by the weight of fine collection.
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A study incorporating the influence of copper slag and fly …
The substitution with copper slag above 30% reduced the flexural strength of concrete. 4. For the concrete sample having 30% copper slag substitution for sand & 20% substitution of fly ash as cement, the pulse velocity was found to be the maximum. The highest pulse velocity was above 4500 m/Sec. 5. Waste materials (copper slag and fly …
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In India for each ton of copper created, about 2.2 tons amount of copper slag is produced. It is seen that roughly 24.6 million tons of slags are created from the ... properties than normal sand. Replacement of copper slag increases the self-weight of concrete specimens to a maximum of 15% to 20%.[3] G. Esakki Muthu et. al. [2016] ...
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Strength characteristics of concrete made with copper slag …
The physical property of copper slag is similar to the river sand [14], [15]. Copper slag can be used in high performance concrete for marine environment with the addition of fly-ash & silica fume [16]. 40%−50% of sand can be replaced by copper slag [17], [18]. sand can be replaced by copper slag for high strength concrete with the ...
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Strength and durability of concrete by partial replacement of sand …
The current investigation is an attempt to perform the strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete prepared by using copper slag (CS) as a fractional/full replacement for natural fine ...
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Partial replacement of cement with marble dust powder, …
These results indicate that incorporating 10% marble dust powder, 30% copper slag, and 10% recycled aggregate into concrete mixes yielded the optimum compression, tensile, and flexural strength after 28 days, at 34.33 N/mm 2, 3.65 N/mm 2, and 5.68 N/mm 2, respectively, which displayed 10.27%, 17.74%, and 14.05% strength …
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Effect of waste copper slag as a substitute in cement and …
Most of the studies observed that up to 15% by using the weight of copper slag as Portland cement replacement improves in stress due to declining capillary porosity related to hydrated lime and 40–50% and 40–60% (by weight of sand) of copper slag can be used as a substitute for fine aggregates and coarse combination concrete is …
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Characteristics and utilisation of copper slag—a review
Air-cooled copper slag has a black colour and glassy appearance. The specific gravity varies with iron content, from a low of 2.8 to as high as 3.8. The unit weight of copper slag is somewhat higher than that of conventional aggregate. The absorption capacity of the material is typically very low (0.13%).
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Concrete without sand?
Though she warns that with higher levels of replacements (100 per cent) there might be some bleeding issues and, therefore, she recommended that up to 80 per cent copper slag and ferrous slag can be used as replacement of sand. Bottom ash India is currently producing in excess of 100 million tonnes of coal ash.
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Studies on use of Copper Slag as Replacement …
• Plaster ability of use of copper slag for partial replacement material for river sand • Use of copper slag as replacement material for river sand in cement concrete (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %) Materials Cement and Copper Slag In the present investigation, ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade was used. Fine aggregate used for control mortar ...
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An Experimental Investigation on the Properties of
Slags containing < 0.8% copper are either discarded as waste or sold cheaply the potential use of granulated copper slag, a relatively heavy material, as a replacement for sand in concrete mixes ...
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Leaching studies demonstrate that granulated copper slag does not pave way for leaching of harmful elements like copper and iron present in slag. The percentage replacement of sand by granulated ...
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(PDF) Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand …
The increase of strength in accordance with replacement rate of sand was found to be the below than the equivalent level compared to the testing specimens that did not use ferro copper slag, but ...
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An Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of Copper Slag …
Here an attempt has been made to utilize the waste from copper industry as in the form slag for fine aggregate to study the behavior of paver block under this replacement. Utilization of copper ...
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For this research work, M20 grade concrete was used and tests were conducted for various proportions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0 to 60%, cement of 0 to 20% in concrete.
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Life-Cycle Assessment of High-Strength Concrete Mixtures with Copper
For example, 40% and sand replacement with copper slag result in a reduction of 8% and 40% in embodied energy, 12% and 30% in global warming potential, 8% and 41% in acidification, and 7% and ...
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Influence of partial replacement of fine aggregate by copper slag …
The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) manufactured with copper slag and to examine the influence of superplasticizer on the qualities of SCC manufactured with copper slag. In this research investigation, the grade of concrete employed was M40.
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(PDF) Partial Replacement of Copper Slag as Fine …
Tiruvannamali, Tamil Nadu, India. Abstract — this project present the usage of copper. slag for the partial replacement for fine aggregate the. experimental procedure is conducted for the ...
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